
Education Minister Advises Students to Remain on Campus During Protests

In light of recent unrest and protests, Nigeria’s Education Minister has issued a crucial advisory to students across the country. The minister urges all students to stay on campus and avoid unnecessary travel during this period of civil unrest.


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Key Points from the Advisory

  1. Safety First: The Education Minister emphasizes the importance of student safety. Protests and demonstrations have been increasingly prevalent, posing risks to students who venture off campus. Staying within the safe confines of university premises is recommended.
  2. Monitoring Protests: Students should stay informed about ongoing protests through official university channels and local news. Universities are advised to provide updates and support to ensure students are aware of any potential risks.
  3. Emergency Preparedness: The education minister advisory includes guidelines for students on how to prepare for emergencies. This includes knowing the nearest emergency services, having a contact list of university authorities, and ensuring that personal safety measures are in place.
  4. Campus Resources: Many universities have increased their security measures and are offering additional support services to students. These resources are available to help manage any concerns related to the ongoing protests.

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Why Staying on Campus is Crucial

Remaining on campus is a proactive measure to protect students from potential harm. With demonstrations sometimes turning violent or leading to disruptions in public transportation, it is safer for students to remain in campus.


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For more details on this advisory by the education minister and other related news, you can visit the original article on PM News Nigeria.


The Education Minister’s advice underscores the government’s commitment to student safety amid the current climate of protests. By adhering to these guidelines and utilizing campus resources, students can better protect themselves during this uncertain time.


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