
How to Travel with Pets in Nigeria

Traveling with pets can be a rewarding experience; however, it requires thorough planning and preparation to ensure a smooth journey. Whether you’re moving to a new city, going on a holiday, or just taking a short trip, here’s a comprehensive guide to teach you How to Travel with Pets in Nigeria.


Understanding Pet Travel Regulations in Nigeria

Traveling with pets in Nigeria involves adhering to specific regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of your furry companions. Knowing these regulations helps avoid any potential issues and ensures a smooth journey for you and your pet. Thus, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with these guidelines before you start planning your trip.

Overview of Pet Travel Regulations

The Nigerian government has set up rules and regulations to maintain the health and safety of animals traveling within the country. These regulations cover both domestic and international travel, thus making it necessary to understand the requirements whether you are traveling locally or bringing a pet into Nigeria.

  • Health and Safety: Ensuring the health of pets during travel is a top priority. Thus, strict guidelines are in place to prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Documentation: Proper documentation is required to certify the pet’s health and vaccination status.
  • Transport Conditions: Regulations also cover the conditions under which pets can be transported, ensuring their safety and comfort.

Required Documentation

When traveling with pets, having the correct documentation is crucial. This paperwork not only ensures compliance with regulations but also helps in the smooth transition of your pet from one place to another. However, missing or incorrect documentation can lead to delays or even the denial of travel for your pet.


Vaccination Records

Ensuring your pet’s vaccinations are up-to-date is the first step in preparing for travel. Vaccination records are essential, thus it’s important to keep them handy.

  • Rabies Vaccination: A current rabies vaccination certificate is mandatory. The vaccine should be administered at least 30 days before travel but not more than 12 months old.
  • Other Vaccinations: Depending on the pet’s age and health status, other vaccinations like distemper, parvovirus, and leptospirosis may also be required.

Health Certificate

A health certificate, also known as a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, is another crucial document. This certificate must be issued by a licensed veterinarian and should confirm that your pet is in good health and fit to travel.

  • Validity: The health certificate is usually valid for 10 days. Thus, it should be obtained close to your travel date.
  • Content: The certificate should include details about the pet’s vaccinations, general health status, and a declaration that the pet is free from contagious diseases.

Import Permit

If you are bringing a pet into Nigeria, an import permit may be necessary. This permit is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and ensures that the pet meets the country’s health and safety standards. Read How to Travel with Pets in Nigeria.

  • Application Process: The application for an import permit should be submitted well in advance. The process involves providing details about the pet, including breed, age, health status, and vaccination records.
  • Approval: Once approved, the import permit should be presented along with other travel documents when entering Nigeria.


Proper identification is essential for traveling pets. This helps in quickly reuniting lost pets with their owners and also serves as proof of ownership.

  • Microchip: Although not always mandatory, microchipping your pet is highly recommended. The microchip should comply with ISO standards, thus ensuring it can be read by scanners used in Nigeria.
  • ID Tag: Your pet should wear a collar with an ID tag that includes your contact information. This provides an additional layer of safety in case the microchip cannot be read.

Other Considerations

Aside from the primary documents, there are additional considerations to keep in mind. These ensure that your pet’s travel experience is as smooth and comfortable as possible.

  • Pet Passport: While not mandatory, having a pet passport can simplify travel, especially if you travel frequently. A pet passport consolidates all the essential information and documents in one place.
  • Copies of Documents: Always carry copies of all essential documents. Thus, if the originals are lost, you have backups readily available.

Choosing the Right Mode of Transportation

Your choice of transportation can significantly impact your pet’s travel experience. In Nigeria, you have several options, each with its pros and cons.

Traveling by Car

Traveling by car is often the most comfortable option for pets. However, it’s essential to make your vehicle pet-friendly.

Preparing Your Car

  • Safety First: Use pet seat belts or secure carriers to keep your pet safe during the journey.
  • Comfortable Environment: Ensure the car is well-ventilated. Thus, keeping the windows slightly open can help, but never enough for your pet to stick their head out.
  • Frequent Breaks: Plan for regular breaks every few hours. This allows your pet to stretch, relieve themselves, and drink water.

Traveling by Air

Air travel can be more challenging, especially for larger pets. However, with proper preparation, it can be manageable.

Booking the Flight

  • Pet-Friendly Airlines: Not all airlines allow pets, so check the airline’s pet policy. Arik Air and Air Peace are known for being pet-friendly.
  • Cabin vs. Cargo: Smaller pets might be allowed in the cabin, while larger pets will have to travel in the cargo hold. Thus, ensure you book a flight that accommodates your pet’s size.

Preparing for Air Travel

  • Approved Carrier: Use an airline-approved pet carrier. It should be large enough for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  • Pre-Flight Preparation: Avoid feeding your pet a large meal before the flight. However, ensure they are well-hydrated.
  • Acclimatization: Familiarize your pet with the carrier before the trip to reduce stress.

Traveling by Public Transport

Public transport in Nigeria, like buses and trains, generally have more restrictions when it comes to pets. Thus, this might not be the best option unless absolutely necessary.

Packing Essentials for Your Pet

Packing for your pet is as important as packing for yourself. Here’s a checklist to ensure you have everything your pet might need during the trip.

Food and Water

  • Sufficient Supply: Bring enough pet food and treats to last the entire trip.
  • Water: Carry plenty of water and a portable bowl to keep your pet hydrated.

Comfort Items

  • Bedding: Bring along your pet’s favorite bed or blanket. This can help them feel more secure.
  • Toys: Pack a few of their favorite toys to keep them entertained.

Health and Safety

  • First Aid Kit: A basic pet first aid kit is essential. Include bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any regular medications your pet might need.
  • Identification: Ensure your pet has a collar with an ID tag that includes your contact information. Thus, if they get lost, they can be returned to you.

Ensuring Your Pet’s Comfort

Your pet’s comfort should be a priority throughout the journey. Thus, understanding their needs and addressing them promptly is crucial. Keep reading How to Travel with Pets in Nigeria.

Managing Anxiety

Traveling can be stressful for pets. However, there are ways to manage their anxiety.

  • Calm Environment: Keep the environment calm and quiet. Avoid loud noises and sudden movements.
  • Reassurance: Talk to your pet in a soothing voice. This can help them feel more secure.
  • Comfort Items: Familiar items, like a favorite toy or blanket, can provide comfort. How to Travel with Pets in Nigeria.

Health Considerations

Keeping your pet healthy during the trip is essential. Thus, regular check-ups and proper care are vital.

  • Vet Visit: A pre-trip visit to the vet ensures your pet is in good health. Discuss any travel-specific concerns with your vet.
  • Hydration: Keep your pet well-hydrated throughout the journey.
  • Avoid Overfeeding: Feed your pet lightly before traveling to avoid nausea and discomfort.

Accommodation Options for Pet Owners

Finding pet-friendly accommodation is essential when traveling with your pet. Fortunately, many hotels and guesthouses in Nigeria welcome pets. However, it’s best to confirm in advance.

Pet-Friendly Hotels

Several hotels in Nigeria are pet-friendly. Thus, here are some options:

  • Sheraton Lagos Hotel: Offers pet-friendly rooms and amenities.
  • Southern Sun Ikoyi: Another excellent choice, known for its pet-friendly policy.
  • Le Meridien Ibom Hotel & Golf Resort: Offers pet-friendly accommodation and plenty of outdoor space for pets to enjoy.

Alternative Accommodations

If hotels aren’t your preference, consider alternative options.

  • Vacation Rentals: Websites like Airbnb have listings for pet-friendly rentals. This can provide a more home-like environment for your pet.
  • Camping: For the adventurous, camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors with your pet. However, ensure the campsite allows pets. How to Travel with Pets in Nigeria.

Pet Etiquette While Traveling

Maintaining good pet etiquette is essential to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone.

Respecting Others

  • Leash and Control: Always keep your pet on a leash and under control, especially in public places.
  • Clean Up: Always clean up after your pet. Thus, carry waste bags and dispose of them properly.
  • Considerate Behavior: Be mindful of other travelers. Not everyone is comfortable around pets, so ensure your pet is well-behaved.

Training and Socialization

Proper training and socialization are crucial for traveling pets.

  • Basic Commands: Ensure your pet knows basic commands like sit, stay, and come. This helps in managing their behavior during the trip.
  • Socialization: Expose your pet to different environments, people, and other animals. This can reduce anxiety and improve their behavior in new situations.

Emergency Preparedness

Despite the best preparations, emergencies can happen. Thus, being prepared is essential.

Emergency Contacts

  • Veterinarian: Have the contact details of a veterinarian in the area you are traveling to.
  • Local Animal Services: Know the contact information for local animal services or shelters.

Emergency Kit

  • First Aid Kit: As mentioned earlier, a basic first aid kit is essential.
  • Extra Supplies: Carry extra food, water, and medication in case of delays or emergencies.

Returning Home: Post-Travel Care

Once you return home, your pet might need some time to readjust. Thus, proper post-travel care is necessary. How to Travel with Pets in Nigeria.

Re-establish Routine

  • Regular Schedule: Return to your pet’s regular feeding and exercise schedule as soon as possible.
  • Comfort and Security: Provide plenty of comfort and reassurance. This can help them readjust to their home environment.

Monitor Health

  • Watch for Signs: Monitor your pet for any signs of stress or illness. Travel can be taxing, and it’s essential to ensure they are healthy.
  • Follow-Up Vet Visit: A post-travel vet visit can help address any health concerns that might have arisen during the trip.


Traveling with pets in Nigeria can be a fulfilling experience, provided you plan meticulously and prioritize your pet’s needs. By understanding regulations, choosing the right mode of transportation, packing essential items, and ensuring comfort throughout the journey, you can make the trip enjoyable for both you and your pet. Always remember, the key to a successful trip is preparation and understanding your pet’s unique needs. Thus, with these tips, you and your furry friend are all set for a great adventure.

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